Epsilon Kappa Theta works to enhance our community through service work. All members of Theta have mandatory philanthropy hours. We organize fundraisers or item drives every term that benefit WISE, the philanthropy group we have adopted. WISE is an Upper Valley non-profit organization that supports victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse.
Dear Dartmouth community members,
The members of Epsilon Kappa Theta would like to share our full support for the Dartmouth Student Union’s Letter to the Dartmouth College Administration and COVID-19 Task Force. Dartmouth must ensure the wellbeing of all students, particularly those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We would like to thank DSU for advocating for us, and ask if you are able to donate to the fund using the link provided.
In Solidarity,
Epsilon Kappa Theta
Please consider supporting the Dartmouth Student Union's Efforts in any way you can. Their website has several ways you can help